Sunday, December 25, 2011

Holidays ( ^-^ )

Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkuh, happy Kwanza, all in all HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone!! (^-^)...and to those who don't celebrate anything...a good ol'e whatever to you!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

oy vey!

Ok well so much for trying to post on a weekly/monthly fashion. Woops, oh well, better now than never I suppose. All I have to do is re-scan all of my artwork (UGH I had a lot of it on my thumbdrive but lost it back in may) and post it here and my deviant art account. All the while hoping and praying that my laptop doesn't fritz out on me. Maybe along with my artwork I'll use my dad's fancy camera and take some of the critters....Hmmm decisions, decisions.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

winter break!

Ok so I have been meaning to post my first entry to my blog but alas... school got in the way, lol. Oh there is so much that I want to post but I guess I'll just have to take it step by step. ^-^   Today is Thanksgiving and the 1st official day of winter break... FINALLY!

Things I hope to post on here:

1.scans and pictures of my artwork
2. goals
...............and I'll add more as I get more used to having a blog.